NBA Inside Stuff Review - Grant Hill Takes Charge
Volume Six, Issue Two - My favorite Pistons jerseys, moving up the three-point line, and Jermaine O’Neal’s foot.
This will be the first issue of this newsletter that is outside of Inside Stuff’s chronological order. Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain the January 1997 issue featuring Kevin Garnett, and, WOULDN’T YOU KNOW IT, that issue contains the first part in a multipart series about Kevin Garnett’s life in the NBA (a first in the history of the magazine lol). So, my apologies for the lack of continuity in the next few newsletters. But, considering we’ve survived the redesign that started in the last issue, I know we can survive this. To the inside stuff!
News & Notes
In response to last issue’s (magazine, not newsletter. Argh.) poll question - Is the three-point line too close? A resounding 73% of respondents said “Yes.” I whole-heartedly agree. MOVE IT BACK. Respondent Clifton Ware, is woefully unaware (as we all were) about the ramifications of moving up the three-point line.
Also, bring back hand-checking.
The only thing I have to say about the Grant Hill profile is that I really miss this era of Pistons basketball. Those jerseys were choice.
The 1997 All-Star Game starting lineup is arguably the most 90s lineup of all lineups. Also, that rookie game looks awesome! Look at those names!
Side note - If you have an opportunity, you should read Three Ring Circus by
, it’s an incredible read and has a wild story about 1997 Rookie Game participants Kobe Bryant and Samaki Walker. No spoilers, go read it.I love the KG running diary (Part Two, sigh) and I want to be friends with Bug.
Here are some more pre-game rituals of your favorite players! Reggie Miller drinks a Coke before every game?? And WTF Jayson Williams???
It’s the art of the steal by Mookie Blaylock.
Give me all of these starting lineup figures.
Test your knowledge!
Say whaaaaat?
The new ‘Letters’ section is absolutely out of control: Russell C. Seems like a really big Rockets fan who I fear will be disappointed come playoff time. Michelle R. From Canada, who claims to be a big Orlando Magic fan, felt compelled to write a letter to an NBA magazine to inquire if anyone else has noticed that three of the team’s starters (Hardaway, Scott, and Anderson) have been injured? Good golly, I hope the NBA wrote her back to let her know that they, too, have noticed this and that she is not imagining things.
This issue’s poster celebrates the Top 50 players of the first 50 years of the NBA. I’m giving it an A+.
Best Ads
Take a look at Jermaine O’Neal’s foot! I’m not sure if this is a terrible ad, but it’s definitely an interesting one!
Here’s an ad for highlighting Larry Johnson’s move to the Knicks.
I’m throwing my hands up on this Gatorade ad because I get it, but I don’t get it.
Odd placement of the red Nike logo here.
Really digging this Spaulding ad!
I really REALLY dig this ad for a Chicago Bulls Greatest Hits CD. It featuring arena songs and live calls! This is an epic example of life before YouTube.
The AI sneaker era has begun. Who had a pair of these?
Loving this Champs Sports ad with ‘Zo. Damn that shooting shirt looks cozy.
The Stack II is here so you can be first in the bathroom each morning.
Not the JAM!
This is the second picture in a row that has absolutely terrified me. Kevin Willis looks like something out of a basketball nightmare.
In the next newsletter
I’m still working on getting my hands on the KG issue, so I’ll likely continue on in chronological order until that happens. The next newsletter will feature MJ, AI’s crossover, and more ridiculous letters.